International organisations
1. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
The EBRD aims to support the CEECs' transition to the market economy.
2. International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Set up in 1919, the ILO promotes social justice and internationally recognised
human and labour rights. Its wide-ranging site includes a "Social Dialogue"
section, with an "InFocus Programme on strengthening social dialogue"
and a "Publications" section.
ยท ILO-CEET - Central and Eastern European Team
The Multidisciplinary Advisory Team for Central and Eastern Europe (ILO-CEET),
based in Budapest, was set up in 1993. It produces a twice-yearly newsletter
and regular reports on industrial relations, wage policies, social security
and the activities of workers' and employers' representatives in Central
and Eastern Europe.
3. World Bank
"The Changing Europe" site is devoted to enlargement; it includes studies
on the applicant countries and a number of links: http://www.worldbank.org/eca/eu-enlargement/index.html